About me

Having won an open entrance scholarship, Raj Rai qualified from St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School in 1988.  He was awarded his MD in 1999 after submission of his thesis on Antiphospholipid antibodies and recurrent miscarriage.  After completion of sub-specialty training in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery (Hammersmith Hospital / St Mary’s Hospitals), he was appointed Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College and NHS Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at St Mary’s Hospital in 2002.

He has a busy clinical practice at St Mary’s encompassing, Infertility, Recurrent Miscarriage and Obstetric services.  His private practice is based at both The Lindo Wing, St Mary’s and in Harley Street.  A firm believer in evidence-based practice and avoidance of the ‘marketing of hope,’ he provides couples with the information and the insight to empower them to make informed decisions regarding their management as they navigate the maelstrom of the fertility roller coaster.  He has been named in the Tatler Good Doctors Guide 2013.

Raj teaches, lectures and acts as an expert on courses and conferences both nationally and internationally.  His main research interests lie in (a) the relationship between antiphospholipid antibodies and other haemostatic abnormalities, recurrent miscarriage and later pregnancy complications; (b) immune disturbance in pregnancy failure and (c) surgical correction of both congenital and acquired uterine defects and pregnancy loss.  He is author of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Scientific Opinion paper on immune testing in infertility and the co-author of the RCOG Guideline on the Investigation and treatment of women with recurrent miscarriage. Currently, he is the Chief Investigator of the Department of Health – funded (£1.2 million) multi-centre placebo controlled trial assessing progesterone supplementation in the treatment of women with ‘unexplained’ recurrent miscarriage – the PROMISE study.

Short CV